воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

With the age of the memory is going

It is no secret that with age the memory is going. This is also confirmed by direct observations for the elderly, and indirect statistical data.

But what happens to a human body over time?

There are many different theories, but they all, as a rule, are reduced to two points. Firstly: is it age weakening of the physiological elements in the body. In fact, the memory of a person is closely connected with ties of neurons (nerve cells of the Brain).

Neural connection - come into contact with each other through the use of specific chemical substances - of neurotransmitters. And elaboration of necessary quantity of the neurotransmitter is reduced over time.

This by the way is one of the official reasons of occurrence of an Alzheimer's disease. And although Dementia (Alzheimer's disease), by recognized scientific data is genetically transmitted, but will develop if she and as soon as - is defined as the time way of life and age-related changes in the body.

The second generally accepted loosening of the memory of man with age - this is the style of life, namely the so-called risk factors: Smoking. The consumption of alcohol, and various carcinogens. As well as a huge effect on neurons can provide and bad ecology, causing hypoxia of the brain, due to the saturation of blood carbon monoxide.

How to avoid such phenomena of the modern society? First of all, of the possibility to breathe fresh air and saturate the blood with oxygen.

Second, eat moderately and the right because of the fact, how is your body, what products, and thus the items he gets. Depends on your General health. And therefore the condition of your memory and nervous system.

And finally, or completely eliminate the consumption of alcohol and nicotine, or eat them in high quality and proven brands of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. I understand. What is better to refuse at all. But if it is impossible to do it. Should at least avoid the consumption of surrogate and fakes.

And of course exercise. This does not necessarily jumping from the sixth, or marathon races. It can be a simple and very useful morning exercises.

Live right, and your body will thank you in its own way.

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