четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

Create internal positive attitude and mood

One of the global problems of today become the problem of psychological health of mankind. Yes, Yes, of mankind. After all that surrounds us every day in the media before we hear the news about the obscure spontaneous executions of children, students, just passers-by, about the cruel and brutal rapes and crimes. The impression is made, that on the street is better not to go and where some of psychopaths. Yes, and so far do not have to walk, go in public transport and accidentally trod on his foot, Oh, you will hear about yourself a lot of new. People around us were nervous, irritable and unbalanced.

But before you act like the world around us, it is worth trying to sort out the situation. Century of urbanization, technological progress and IT-technology, brought us to the point that people have forgotten how to communicate with each other and with nature. «Social networks», " to tell you. «Funny,» the very same answer, because it is not a secret that the number of virtual friends - this is the only statistics and in the best case, we send the message to the holidays.

And one is one with nature, psychologically he can't be one. From loneliness, talk with your computer, and the unwillingness to come out of the captivity of a typical apartment - people and go crazy. Psychological health is directly depends on the ecological environment around us. Cactus on the desktop is the only source of oxygen. Of course, one of the main is and psycho-emotional mood in a working group that, in most cases, too, wishes to be the best. A good bunch of problems we had, and it can expand and expand.

So, what to do? The main thing is not to get discouraged. After all, our psychological health depends only on us. It is necessary to put before itself the right real goals and objectives, and the main thing in them to believe. Create for themselves the so-called affirmations (a kind of self-hypnosis) - record the subconscious mind what you want: wealth, health, love, not spread their attention to detail and the small trouble. Bring himself proudly, smile - you can't imagine, that makes smile.

Mood, internal positive attitude and you no one and nothing overcome. Inside you rod confidence and belief in the best. Change your vision of the world, they say the same, what you need to start with yourself. So start - remove yourself from the house, plan your days in nature (not once a year, and at least every week), meetings with friends, loved ones. Get pleasure from life, it is there and it's beautiful. The psychology of complex and deep science, allows you to control your life, so take it under control, take the first step towards new wonderful emotions. Love yourself and lead his life for yourself!

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