понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

The factors affecting the psychological health of the child

In our high-speed century the powerful development of information systems on one of the first places among the problems of humanity goes psychological health. First of all, the psychological health of the children.

The most important stage in the psychological and emotional development of the child is a period of 3-6 years, when the child is rapidly developing as a personality, is his way of thinking and perception of the surrounding world. This period was due to the strengthening of memory, language development. The child begins to establish the connection between the phenomena and actions.

The basis of the study of the issue of psychological health of the child is the study of the factors affecting it. The vast majority of these factors is of social character. These include the following factors:

1. Socio-psychological factors: problems in family relationships and violations in the relations between parents and children. A huge impact here has the age of the child. At such an early age a child was inclined to take any disharmonious situation in the family as an emergency situation. Very painful refers to any manifestations of intolerance on the part of the members of the family to each other. Often the child is prone to feel guilty in a particular conflict.

2. Socio-cultural factors associated with the high pace of modern life, when parents are constant nervous and psychological stress, and many are in a state of constant stress. The state always has a negative impact on relationships within the family. In addition, the permanent pressed for time does not allow to devote adequate attention to their loved ones, including children, which also has a negative impact on the mental state of the child. You must also watch for those in how the game plays the child, limit the viewing of the TV and the time at the computer, because this is an additional factors that adversely influence on the psyche of the child.

3. Socio-economic factors. For anybody not a secret, what a huge impact on the parents ' financial problems, poor living conditions, housing question. All these problems are pushing parents to a constant search for raising revenue, which inevitably affects the growth of the employment of the parents, the early exit of the mother of maternity leave. And for the child 3-6 years of separation from his mother, even just during the day, is a serious challenge. Most of the children are sensitive to early separation from the mother to attend nursery or kindergarten.

In this age of the most frequent variations in the mental health of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain a favorable emotional background in the family, to develop and strengthen the good relations between members of the family, to pay full attention to the child. To support him, to try and understand his feelings. Him to create comfortable conditions for the emotional and psychological development.

The next important stage of mental development of the child is younger school age. The period when the child is enrolled in a school. In psychology it is considered that the age of critical. It is in this age increases the risk of psychosomatic diseases. It is connected, first of all, with the entry of the child into school time, are inseparably linked with the increase of the nervous load, the fatigue of the child, the appearance of his life in a new society - the school of the team. In this period the child as never starts acutely experience misfortunes. For the child is very important to know, that it meets the expectations of parents and teachers. He can worry about obtaining estimates for their knowledge and disharmony of its relations with classmates, etc.

In the Junior school age it is very important to continue to show close attention to the child. Interested in his opinion, feelings and fears. In every possible way to strengthen his faith in himself and in the fact that his parents love him still, instill hope and confidence.

The emotional state of a child has a huge impact on his psychological and physical health. Any disease is a violation of equilibrium systems of the whole organism. We can confidently consider the emotions of the child as a manifestation of any problems within his organism. Diseases are often a response, or a protective reaction of the organism of the child on the test them discomfort.

Psychologists recommend to parents in order to avoid psychosomatic diseases of the child have to pay special attention to the three most important moments in the education of children of younger age:

1. The mental condition of the mother, who cares for the child. It is established, that between a mother and her child, there is a strong emotional connection. And on the emotional state of the mother depends on the mental condition of the child. It is unacceptable that the mother has had nervousness, depression, anxiety. Only a happy and quiet of the mother can be happy kids.

2. By a later administration of the child in preschool. Early separation from the mother and the definition of a child in an unfamiliar environment with the established rules is to one degree or another traumatic event for any child. The strengthening of the nervous system and normal psycho-emotional development promotes calm and adequate upbringing in the family.

3. The advance preparation of the child to the school process. Studying in the school, as mentioned above, involves a lot of stress, fatigue, stress on the body of the child. And the sooner he will be prepared by the school, the more easily it will adapt to it during their studies.

Dear parents and teachers! Remember, that psychological, and, consequently, the physical health of our future depends entirely on us! Take care of the children!

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