четверг, 25 октября 2012 г.

Open posture during the interesting communication

In contrast to a closed posture, in an open legs are not rebaptized, palm should be deployed to the interlocutor, and in the same side of the face turned to the body. The essence of open posture is that each of the many channels of nonverbal communication connected with the other, and it was then, when in the eyes of a partner appears interest, the person can no longer be in the closed position.

This scheme is also in the opposite direction, because when you change the position of the body, you change your facial expression, tone and style of conversation. With the help of open posture you report that fully ready to communicate with people. With the help of this people show interest you. Therefore, many of the individual use this technique to increase the impact on surrounding.

Many people, after a long stay in the open position begin to feel uncomfortable - this is due to the fact that they are used over a long period of time to build protection and protection from other people. Because of this, there is a sense of discomfort and theatricality. You uncomfortable to sit like this, you prefer a more comfortable position. Psychologists advise to make myself feel convenience and interest when you make the open position. In order to do this you must first configure itself to the fact that you are interested to communicate with people, to learn their opinions and be in contact with them. Don't stop to think about it, as the body does not receive the most comfortable position. This will help you to develop an open position, suitable only for you and it will help in working and communicating with other people. Not the best solution will be to conduct the important negotiations in tightly buttoned and numbing movement clothes: free movements tune your partners in closer contact.
Thus, the psychology of an open posture allows not only to understand and learn much more about the opponent, but also can develop mutual understanding and send your communication in the right direction. Open posture and other secrets of psychology will be able to open for you unlimited possibilities in the development of both mental and physical potential.

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