четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

The harmony of the psychological and physical health

Under the harmony we mean the balance of the action in real life and life goals, the consistency of our heart and mind, some kind of external and internal balance.

Now in fashion, entered the healthy way of life. Pledge of beauty, success, happy life is health. And just a desire to be so little.

Health is the psychological and physical, both among themselves are closely interrelated. Stresses, conflicts, emotional distress, loss, anxiety provoking psychological and physiological diseases. It is a psychological reason lies in the basis of all diseases. Often there were cases, when a patient with cancer to yield a successful treatment thanks to the trust of the treating doctor, modern medicine, faith in the successful treatment.

Confidence in a positive resolution of the problems related to health can have a therapeutic effect, accelerate the healing process. These cases prove that there is a close relationship between physiological and psychological health, and, being engaged in healing the body - heal the soul.

What you want for a life, do you live it? Probably many familiar with the situation, when you have a goal and a plan to achieve it, but you are not doing anything? You go on convincing yourself, make, but the enthusiasm is not appears and nothing happens. Not always helps to discipline and will power, because the cause of the other. It lies in your negative experience, he does not allow you to move forward.

If you do not know, how to help themselves in one or another problem, the visit seminars, collective training. Because that knowledge alone is not enough to affect the attitudes, values, change the personal beliefs, views.

The trainings are actively engaged in group work, which is aimed at intentional changes in attitudes and personality. Training is a leading method of practical psychology, relies on a range of psycho-corrective and psychotherapeutic methods. Here are taught to each participant, as the release of his previous negative experience, how to enjoy life, and pursue their goals. The trainings are engaged in active work, directed on formation, development of the plants, behaviours and skills training to change various psychic phenomena. Online training helps to quickly assimilate information, because not only do you get it, but to discuss unclear to you moments, reinforcing the knowledge obtained during the training form the skills of behavior.

In the training the main methods are group discussions, methods of development of the social perception, playing methods, methods of physical therapy and various meditative techniques. It is an effective tool for learning, allows to receive communication and behavioral skills, broaden their Outlook and open a lot of new in itself.

And finally, to your day well formed, Wake up happy in the morning. And when he got up, sing, dance, think about the good of all, of the Absolute truth. Only harmonious man can create harmony around us.

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