воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Each of fear has its own cause

The fear arises when facing something unpleasant, when a man is afraid for your peace of mind and security, but unfortunately cannot defend themselves, that is, get rid of the threat. But that's OK, because everyone has his own fear. Although fear is the emotion which does not want to worry people. Fears of human divided into constructive and pathologically fears (Phobias).

That is the fear of pain, loss, fear of loneliness - it is absolutely normal fears, and here, for example fear of horses, this is a phobia. Some of the fears we receive in the inheritance from the distant ancestors. People are afraid of many things : the height of the fire, the people, the darkness, school, shop, cats and other things. Fear has life in himself. For example, the fear of fire will save you from bad actions. And here is the fear of failure forever deprive the opportunity to be famous.

Each of fear has its own cause. If you know the cause of your fear, you can shorten the path from the question « How to get rid of your fear» to the answer. But the reasons are as a secret, and explicit. The obvious reasons - can be said rare. People rarely holds in the memory, which became the starting point of his fear. Most of all there are fears hidden, such as: children's fears that the child is received in consequence of the great care of their parents, the fears, which became a starting point psychological trauma, the fears, received from the «sinners» desires, and fears, which were caused by psychological conflict or some not solved the problem.
But how do get rid of the fear? - you ask. So this is freedom from fear - the job was simple.

In our society has not developed a tradition, how to talk about fear. Although we always publicly tell all and everything. For example, about acne and other diseases. But just someone to talk about their fears, as around it there is a vacuum. This is the main problem. So, while you're hiding under a warm protective blanket, all the fears seem to you terribly huge. But if you look at them directly in the «person» you immediately understand what your ridiculous fear.

Take a large sheet of paper and write all of your fears. In the middle of a circle, and write in it with the fear that keeps you live most of all. That is, look at the enemy right in the face!

What other fears generates the greatest fear? From where he came? What is the reason? Where he'll lead? On what actions from you is pushing? Answer the questions and play with their fear.

There is another effective way to get rid of the fear. And you, probably, about him already know. Well, let's say that you got (a) in the accident (God forbid, of course!). Like nothing at all - damaged bumper, but all the same you will always decided to refuse from the car, and be her only as a passenger. Thus, even after a «do not want», in any case, sit behind the wheel! First, just go on the court, then, when on the street no one there that is at night or early in the morning. And gradually your trifling fear will go away. So, the conclusion is " do what you are afraid. In large companies use another way of getting rid of fear. It is called «the gathering of Oblomov». You need to do so, to get 5 - 6 failures in the day. It will teach you to accept them without emotions and will provide a very important and the main thing the necessary experience.

And finally, well, not do not gather in a new fears. That is, do not copy a negative experience, which generates fear.

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