воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Psychological health of the person

More and more people in the world, even those, who looks at him skeptically, understand that many things in human life, the moments of happiness, joy, full satisfaction of itself, " it all depends directly on the psychological health. Judge for yourself: did you feel happy, if your mind is not in order? In such moments comes complete apathy to everything, nothing brings pleasure... unfortunately, many people have no idea about that from what depends on our psychological health. But in reality the list of factors, which influence our psyche, is diverse.

Many of the psychological features accrue to us in the inheritance is not from mom and dad, and from grandmothers, grandfathers, etc. In connection with this it can be concluded that the basis of the psyche appear to us not from birth, and within a few generations. The genetic code retains not only positive, but also negative features, which are then passed to the generations. And, of course, the transfer is not the properties of the psyche, but only their instincts.

And they are transferred unequal parts - someone more, someone less. This trend can be traced in families in which both parents are very different from each other the cast of mind, a way of life that they lead. At the same time replicate habits of the parents is possible without living together with them. What I do, genes... the Girls, in General, adopt the features of a mother, and boys - the-father.

Each child receives from his parents to half of the genes. The result is the sum of these genes and the new man receives its own, unique set of genes. The state of mental health of some of the factors start to influence then, when the person is in the womb of the mother. Do not pass without leaving a trace of any illness of the mother or her stress. After the birth of the health problems are increasing, as, according to statistics, 95 % of parents do not understand elementary things when communicating with the child, even up to a year. Numerous researches of psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, have led to the conclusion, that the wrong attitude to the child up to three years, be sure to postpone its imprint on his health in the future. Any interference in the States of the mind must be qualified, as the human psyche is that part of the body, which is more receptive to all, and especially negative features.

A peculiar contribution to the development of health of the person making and the lack of well-being in the family. That is why starting an adult and independent life, a person becomes a new stream of stressful situations, does not know what to do in each moment. If a child is not to teach the little man to be friends with their peers, to love and be loved, then in the future it is either his horror at all, or in the care of yourself. Excessive anger leads to increased negative traits of character, a man simply becomes a psychopath. Considering the second case, many scholars have noted the frequent psychological disorders.

Lack of information does not allow many people to understand it in its soul, psyche, not to mention the people around him. Many marriages break up precisely for this reason, and in the surviving families of more or less successful are only five to ten percent, and then only if the relationship is built on trust, support, attention, mutual understanding, wish to General efforts to create a cosiness, peace and accord. In the rest of the family, unfortunately, the relations are based on egotism and selfishness, indifference and cruelty, neglect and obstinacy, tactlessness and spiritual emptiness. And starting between the parents, such relations are moving in many respects the children, form they have a negative attitude to any of the things, preparing them to many of the depression and stress.

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