четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

Psychological health of the society in social conditions

Psychological health of - concept, in many respects, the conditional and represents only one of the components of health in General, and is divided into public and the individual.

Under the individual psychological well - aware of the condition of the human psyche, characterized by consistency and integrity of his mental functions, providing subjective feelings of psychological comfort, his ability to sense of purposeful activity, as well as the optimal implementation of the social functions, which correspond to all mankind values.

Estimation of individual psychological health must necessarily take into account the uniqueness and originality of each particular person, as well as its self-identity. It is necessary to mention two points. Firstly it is the ability of the human progress and develop. Secondly man's capacity to adapt to changing external conditions.

Thus, the psychological health of the person it is a more complex concept than just the absence of signs of the human mental defect or illness.

The term public psychological health of the mean level of the mental health of any population, that is, the prevalence and availability of mental diseases, drug addiction and alcoholism, mental retardation, diseases of the different forms of destructive behavior and the relationship between the mentally ill and healthy people.

The public psychological health is essentially a moral and intellectual potential of the society and an important prerequisite for its well-being, stability and progress. It depends more on the social living conditions of the people. With time any society is beginning to acquire certain common features, which allow to judge about his psychological health.

The social situation in society or facilitates or impedes the full healthy development of the people and this affects the level of public mental health.

Reduction of the level of psychological health of the population often happens in times of socio-economic reforms of the company. This is explained by several reasons.

The first reason can be called stress during the period of social changes and reforms, the effect of which is experienced by people. Under this stress, it is understood distress, which is associated with the large-scale and radical changes which occur in the life of the whole society, are able to cause the exclusion of some people, different social groups and, possibly, even society as a whole. Disadaptation, as a rule, is manifested in the social injustice and exclusion, alienation of the emerging new system of values and social norms, and awareness of their own isolation and powerlessness. No doubt, stress, social change, and contribute to the development of some people of any forms of a mental pathology.

The second reason lies in the psychological unreadiness to extremely radical changes, which forms the totalitarian consciousness, that is the internal dependent on the authorities, dependency, social passivity, lack of initiative, lack of independent skills in the new conditions.

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