воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Psychological health of the teachers

Regardless of the impact of negative factors, the teacher must remain for the disciple example in personal terms, maintain composure, to solve successfully the objectives set to it. But to raise the internal tension, controlling his emotions inside the same is not worth it, as this negatively affects the health.

Extremely low levels of mental and physical health of different teaching as a group of professional.

For teachers with the experience of 15-20 years is characterized by «burning», «exhaustion», «pedagogical crises.» Teachers are included in the list of professions which are subject to the symptoms of the gradual emotional devastation and fatigue - syndrome of emotional burnout». This syndrome affects both internal and external factors. To external include: chronic psycho-emotional hard work, which is associated with intense emotions and communication, unclear planning and organization of activities, increased responsibility, the difficult psychological contingent.

The internal include emotional rigidity. Those who are more reserved in his emotions, and who are too emotionally perceives professional activity, faster come «emotional burnout. Very often the «emotional burnout stimulates the weak motivation, as it vulnerable to those who aggressively and freely react to various stressful situations.

As a result of manifest symptoms such as fatigue, emotional exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia, pessimism, decadent mood, low self-esteem, the aggressiveness of the senses.

Every man aspires to sustainable emotional status, to a sustainable self-concept, that is, I am happy, I am happy, I am satisfied. If any factor destroys positive about the idea to yourself, there is a feeling of guilt, anxiety, internal discomfort, a twinge of conscience. From such mental States of a person tries to defend himself, to avoid.

There are seminars-trainings on which is carried out diagnostics, which allows to determine the mental state of the listeners. It is revealed, that in 20% of listeners status was evaluated as good, the rest - within the limits of norm or bad. At the seminars conducted trance-meditative exercises, which are sent to the awakening of the body healing resources. They enable the body to eliminate symptoms, prevention is psychosomatic, nervous and mental disorders. Work on trainings directed on efficiency and the development of personality, on the formation to his positive attitude, open interaction with the world, acceptance of responsibility, ability of an organism to strengthen and maintain regulatory, protective mechanisms, which provide the performance.

Learn how to work with emotions, they convert. Send emotions on their any specific imperfections, for example, cowardice, forgetfulness, poor organization and you will get a good result.

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