воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Effect of stress on the physical and mental stability of personality

Modern psychology is one of the first places on the impact on the General condition of a person puts stress. Sources, generating stressful situations around us always and everywhere. These include the complex relationships in the family, conflicts at work, small negative emotional impact on the psyche of the derived by a person in the daily reality of rudeness on the street clashes in the store, bad weather, and much more...

The impact force on the emotional state of the person on the first position is close to home, family and work. As stress is a reaction of our body to excessive physical and psychological stress, the body programmed trying to protect themselves from such external influences. The human brain gives a command for the increased secretion of adrenaline, which aims to increase the oxygen content in the blood. For this adrenaline enters the kidneys, which makes accumulated as a result of the high load on the organism of glycogen, glucose, thereby increasing the circulation of the blood.

If these chemical reactions are repeated in the body too often, the process becomes chronic, in which even a small emotional impact on the personality of provokes brain to give a command on a massive rush of adrenaline in the blood.

In this mode the human body wears out. The constant stress has a devastating impact on the physical and mental condition of the person. But the stress is not a disease. He only protective mechanism from the physical and mental overload.

And, nevertheless, stress is the cause of many, very serious diseases that threaten the physical health of a person. Among them are such as:

• A nervous breakdown. Is characterized by irritability, loss of memory and mental clarity, and the inability to adopt a logically sound decisions and other...
• Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Arrhythmia, hypertension, stenocardia, higher incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke.
• Reproductive violations. Impotence, the inability to experience orgasm, premature ejaculate and violation of menstrual cycles.
• Hair loss.
• Diseases of the skin. Psoriasis, rashes, various inflammatory processes...
• Reduction of immunity. Exposure to the organism acute infectious diseases, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive tract and oral cavity.
• Diseases of the digestive organs. Gastric ulcer, gastritis, etc.

People react differently to the annoying external factors. Some develop the system of combating stress and малоконфликтного output of problem situations. Such people educate in itself resistance to stress, the body adapt to them and relatively easy to find one of them out.

Others, however, in such situations - turn in on themselves, separated from the reality, and fall into confusion and anxiety that comes in a panic. Extreme manifestation of such state of the person is alcoholism, drug addiction and igromaniya, which leads to its complete degradation, both physical and moral.

Be careful if you have anxiety symptoms постстрессовых manifestations. Contact the professionals doctors, in order to immediately generate the necessary for recovery of the course of treatment.

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