понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Health psychology and its principles

The fact that our medicine is bad preserves and nurtures the health of the community, known for a long time. In the 70-ies about it is spoken in his own book «Thoughts about the health of» doctor N. M. Amosov.
In his book he published the recommendations and wishes, which form the main principles of health psychology. His statements combine all of the main principles of prevention in medicine:

1. In many diseases of the guilty is not the nature, is guilty of not public, and the people themselves. Most of all they suffer from their own greed and laziness, and sometimes from stupidity.

2. You should not rely on our medicine. She, of course, it treats many diseases, but it is still not able to make people fully healthy... More than that, be afraid, be in the clutches of the doctors. Sometimes they may exaggerate the weaknesses of people and Majesty of his science. This they create a fake disease and prescribe recipes medicines, for which people just do not have the funds.

3. To be healthy, you need to make your own considerable efforts, replace, which is impossible. The man is so perfect, that the return of their own health can almost always. Needed for this effort increase with the aging of the man and the worsening of his illness.

4. Dimensions efforts are defined stimuli - the significance of the goal, the possibility of its achievement and time. Unfortunately, the health for a man is becoming more important for only then, when it starts to come death.

5. To be healthy you need to observe four conditions: do the exercise, keep the power, tempering, timely and skillfully rest. So, too, is the fifth - be happy! But the latter condition, without the first four health does not provide, and only adds.

6. Have just 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day, but such, to breathe, it was hard to sweat poured a stream, and to the heart jump out of her Breasts.

7. You need to set a restriction in food, to support its own weight (measured its growth in centimeters and of the number of take 100).

8. We must be able to relax.

9. Health itself is happiness. Yes, it is wrong. It is easily get used to and you begin to simply ignore. Health pushes to happiness in the family and at work. Encourages, but does not.

Before people learn to take care about the public welfare, he is obliged to initially learn to take care of himself. And this applies initially to doctors and teachers, to those, who teaches and heals the new generation.

In a society that says that people are responsible for their actions, health is of great value, because without it he could not equivalent to a participant in the market competition, he simply will not be able to achieve high personal achievements.

At this time, to ensure a decent level, a lot of people have to earn money in two or more jobs. Many entrepreneurs do not limit the working day, which causes a lot of stress, from the permanent switch from one type of work to another. Unfortunately, our public health care for the period may not take good care of the health of their citizens.

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