воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Psychological burden and health

We all know one expression: «In a healthy body - healthy spirit». But why do many people often complain about health, long time are treated, in spite of the good physical indicators?
Most scientists who have studied the problems of human health, found that in most cases the cause is psychological pressure. Agitation, anxiety, stress - all this has a negative impact on our health. Can't help but notice that the people of the psychological shocks affected in several ways. Some of experiencing such moments with ease, but some are very hard to carry such bursts of negative emotions, the result of which are the various diseases. So why would depend on the impact of mental health problems on human health?
Modern scientists identify the following features of the personalities of the people that lend themselves to the psychological load and eventually get sick:
  • vulnerability (resentment, increased sensitivity);
  • lack of confidence in himself;
  • excessive timidity and modesty;
  • exacting to myself.
  • emotional excitability;
  • lack of imagination and fantasy;

Also doctors found out that the main negative factor affecting human health, is stress. What it is and how it affects our health?

The word «stress» has come to us from the English language (stress) means the voltage and pressure. A specific organism reaction to the situation, which requires a greater or lesser functional restructuring of the organism, the adaptation.
Scientist V.A. Bodrov's highlights such kinds of stress:
1) Psychological: some of the events are a potential cause of stress. Events such as divorce, death of spouse, involvement in court, retirement, illness.
However, it should be noted that the life events, such as promotion, wedding, etc., cause the same stress as a negative event.
2) Public: tested a large number of people in connection with the economic problems, regional conflicts, unemployment, wars.
3) Natural: this is caused by the natural disasters.
4) Environmental: shows the negative impact of the environment on people. Reason: environmental accidents and catastrophes, as well as the different types of epidemics.
5) Physiological stress occurs as a result of discomfort, bad physical conditions.
6) Professional stress is linked with the difficulties that occur at work.
7) the Financial - this is caused by the financial crises and difficulties.
Conducting a scientific study of the scientists found that stress lowers the amount of antibodies, play an important role in the destruction of the virus. This means that the human immune system is weakened in such situations. As stress causes a number of other diseases, such as psoriasis or even diseases of the blood vessels of the heart.
So we see that the stress and other psychological load adversely affect human health. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid them.

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