четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

Patopsychological research - correcture test

The purpose of the method is the study of attention, and specifically the identification of capacity for its stability, concentration. Сorrecture sample first proposed in 1895 In. Bourdon.

Research is carried out with the help of letterheads with rows of letters, located in рандомном order. The instructions assume strikethrough of either one or two letters (which is determined by the researcher). Every 30 or 60 seconds researcher puts a mark in the table, there, where now is situated the pencil of the patient. Also, the time that was spent subjects to perform the entire job.

Check the completed assignment to the model by the method of matching. Note the number of errors and speed of execution of the job. Major importance is attributed to the distribution of errors throughout the experience - how equally they are located across the table (their dominance in the end indicates exhaustion).

Also take into account the nature of the errors - omissions, strikethrough some of the letters or lines, similar in appearance. Sometimes repeated the study, which may indicate not only to change the state of the patient, but on his attitude to the study.

Patients with organic pathology is often not possible to improve the results of the completed assignments. Healthy fulfill the tasks (with two letters on the form) for the time from 6 to 8 minutes, while less than 15 errors.

With. I. Rubinstein in 1970, the recommended display the results correcture sample graphically - aligning on the graph the curve of change of speed of work (number of viewed letters per unit of time) with the curve changes of the precision (number of errors in the same time intervals). These graphs give an opportunity to the dynamics identify unstable attention of patients, fatigue, or, on the contrary, their the ability to work, which is reflected in the increase of quality of work of subjects.

Correcture test in itself is very simple, it does not require special devices - only the forms, a pen and a stopwatch. Regardless of the task patopsychologist purpose it is easily modified.

At the moment there are several modifications of this technique. The most common of them are: methodology of the rings Landolt (32 rings are located in 32-bit strings, and the subject is required for a certain time of the strike out of the ring with the set gap) and the method of Toulouse-Pieron (30 lines with different types of squares, located in random procedure - the principle of conducting similar to the above sample Bourdon).

L. A. Yasukova in 1997 there was developed a modification of the methodology   Toulouse-Pieron with regard to children from the age of six years. The number of rows in it has been reduced. The procedure for conducting techniques and instructions also adapted to the age. The author of the modification of the stresses that the method of Toulouse-Pieron very effective in the diagnosis of brain dysfunction children, due to which was created this modification.

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