воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Create a positive mood

Those people, who refer to themselves with the sense of humor and to the world with optimism, more attractive and more take the correct decisions than people who do not possess these qualities.

You can try a few exercises to maintain a positive attitude in different situations.

1. Remember life situation, when you laugh from the soul. Scroll down her head to the little things and laugh at least a couple of minutes. Good mood positive impact on the lives and makes it bright.
2. Even in unpleasant or difficult situations will learn how to find something good. If you are in a state of despair, depression, sadness, take a look from the other side of the circumstances, think, perhaps, there is something positive here. Studies show that after a person laugh, his brain activity increases in several times, normalizes blood pressure, pulse. Smile improves health, relieves tension, elevates the mood of themselves and others.

In the West has been researched and proved that tightly compressed lips and frowning worsen your cardio - and encephalogram. But if you change a bad mood, then immediately noticeable positive dynamics. To the permanent increase of efficiency and progress is capable to our brain, is a well organized system, which allows us to improve and grow spiritually. Regardless of age, everyone can learn how to create, remember more effectively, think, also try to master the methods of laughter. After all, you will agree that it is easy and pleasant to communicate with a man who can all laugh, easily meets any situation.

Is it possible to learn to be happy and cheerful? This is not an innate quality, to perceive the complex situation with humor, it comes only with the years, when a man has plenty of positive emotions and strength. How did this creates a resource? Lot of ways. Someone has a diary, recording there the success, not remembering about losing. It creates its database of accumulated their work. In difficult moments of the life of a man opens it and finds out that he still lucky, irresistible and generally created for success. This changes the very energy of thought, consciousness moves to a higher level, strength returning. And you look at the situation with humour and more optimistic. And this approach allows you to take a step to success.

Learn to manage their emotions, change your mood, maintain and develop a positive attitude. Change your thinking, refusing the role of criticism, you won't be dissatisfied with yourself and life. Note in his diary the best features of his character, the bright side of life and as a result find a good balance.

Cheerful people do not have to discuss, envy or fear someone. They can enjoy every moment of her beautiful life, do not get upset over nothing and do not impose their views. Cheerful person is not tormented by loved ones and yourself, if not can change something. He changes his attitude to the situation.

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