четверг, 25 октября 2012 г.

Open posture during the interesting communication

In contrast to a closed posture, in an open legs are not rebaptized, palm should be deployed to the interlocutor, and in the same side of the face turned to the body. The essence of open posture is that each of the many channels of nonverbal communication connected with the other, and it was then, when in the eyes of a partner appears interest, the person can no longer be in the closed position.

четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

The harmony of the psychological and physical health

Under the harmony we mean the balance of the action in real life and life goals, the consistency of our heart and mind, some kind of external and internal balance.

Now in fashion, entered the healthy way of life. Pledge of beauty, success, happy life is health. And just a desire to be so little.

Therapeutic rehabilitation to restore the mental, physical and biological health

Many people believe that if a person eats well, is successful at work and financially, it is necessary to successfully live a long life, not knowing of grief and sorrow. In fact, a peaceful existence and longevity in many respects depend on the emotional state of a human being and harmony between the external world and man.

Patopsychological research - correcture test

The purpose of the method is the study of attention, and specifically the identification of capacity for its stability, concentration. Сorrecture sample first proposed in 1895 In. Bourdon.

Research is carried out with the help of letterheads with rows of letters, located in рандомном order. The instructions assume strikethrough of either one or two letters (which is determined by the researcher). Every 30 or 60 seconds researcher puts a mark in the table, there, where now is situated the pencil of the patient. Also, the time that was spent subjects to perform the entire job.

Create internal positive attitude and mood

One of the global problems of today become the problem of psychological health of mankind. Yes, Yes, of mankind. After all that surrounds us every day in the media before we hear the news about the obscure spontaneous executions of children, students, just passers-by, about the cruel and brutal rapes and crimes. The impression is made, that on the street is better not to go and where some of psychopaths. Yes, and so far do not have to walk, go in public transport and accidentally trod on his foot, Oh, you will hear about yourself a lot of new. People around us were nervous, irritable and unbalanced.

Psychological health of the society in social conditions

Psychological health of - concept, in many respects, the conditional and represents only one of the components of health in General, and is divided into public and the individual.

Under the individual psychological well - aware of the condition of the human psyche, characterized by consistency and integrity of his mental functions, providing subjective feelings of psychological comfort, his ability to sense of purposeful activity, as well as the optimal implementation of the social functions, which correspond to all mankind values.

воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

Psychological health of the person

More and more people in the world, even those, who looks at him skeptically, understand that many things in human life, the moments of happiness, joy, full satisfaction of itself, " it all depends directly on the psychological health. Judge for yourself: did you feel happy, if your mind is not in order? In such moments comes complete apathy to everything, nothing brings pleasure... unfortunately, many people have no idea about that from what depends on our psychological health. But in reality the list of factors, which influence our psyche, is diverse.

Each of fear has its own cause

The fear arises when facing something unpleasant, when a man is afraid for your peace of mind and security, but unfortunately cannot defend themselves, that is, get rid of the threat. But that's OK, because everyone has his own fear. Although fear is the emotion which does not want to worry people. Fears of human divided into constructive and pathologically fears (Phobias).

Psychological burden and health

We all know one expression: «In a healthy body - healthy spirit». But why do many people often complain about health, long time are treated, in spite of the good physical indicators?
Most scientists who have studied the problems of human health, found that in most cases the cause is psychological pressure.

The psychological health of children

What do you need to make our children healthy and productive citizens?

In addition to the proper mode of the day, the power, stay in the open air, they need more and psychological comfort. What is the significance of psychological comfort?

A child's personality is formed gradually. He needs the help of the most loved ones - parents. We all want to see their children in the future-healthy, happy, and successful. But, choosing his path in life do not forget that it is your choice, not his. Give him the opportunity to be yourself, to make your choice. And the task of parents - to help in this and support.

Psychological health of the teachers

Regardless of the impact of negative factors, the teacher must remain for the disciple example in personal terms, maintain composure, to solve successfully the objectives set to it. But to raise the internal tension, controlling his emotions inside the same is not worth it, as this negatively affects the health.

Create a positive mood

Those people, who refer to themselves with the sense of humor and to the world with optimism, more attractive and more take the correct decisions than people who do not possess these qualities.

You can try a few exercises to maintain a positive attitude in different situations.

With the age of the memory is going

It is no secret that with age the memory is going. This is also confirmed by direct observations for the elderly, and indirect statistical data.

But what happens to a human body over time?

Effect of stress on the physical and mental stability of personality

Modern psychology is one of the first places on the impact on the General condition of a person puts stress. Sources, generating stressful situations around us always and everywhere. These include the complex relationships in the family, conflicts at work, small negative emotional impact on the psyche of the derived by a person in the daily reality of rudeness on the street clashes in the store, bad weather, and much more...

понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Health psychology and its principles

The fact that our medicine is bad preserves and nurtures the health of the community, known for a long time. In the 70-ies about it is spoken in his own book «Thoughts about the health of» doctor N. M. Amosov.

The factors affecting the psychological health of the child

In our high-speed century the powerful development of information systems on one of the first places among the problems of humanity goes psychological health. First of all, the psychological health of the children.